I will be at Ajax Library on August 23rd at 4pm to talk about writing, Transferral, Tangled Planet and trying to be brave. You can find the details here. Please come by if you are in the area!
And on Sunday September 24, I’ll be back at Word on the Street, which I am so excited about. (I will continue to be excited about it until about two weeks before, when I will start to get nervous, a feeling that will slowly grow until the day of, when I’ll be terrified, nauseous, and wondering what on Earth possessed me to agree to stand on a stage and speak in the first place.) But for now, excitement – eeee!
Word on the Street is one of my favourite festivals, and I’d been going for
years before I became an author. This year, I’m on the ‘Born a Hero‘ panel on the Teen Spirit Stage from 12.30pm-1.30pm with Sarah Raughley and Cherie Dimaline.
I’m looking forward to meeting my fellow panelists – I’ve wanted to read Cherlie Dimaline’s The Marrow Thieves since I first saw it on the DCB website, and this starred Kirkus review obviously bumped it up my to-read list – I’ll make sure I’ve made time before the panel.
I’m currently reading Fate of Flames by Sarah Raughley, and loving it. (How could I not? It is as exactly as she described it – ‘PACIFIC RIM meets the AVENGERS with a SAILOR MOON cast’). Strong female protagonists, monsters, conspiracies and the world in the balance – hugely fun and compelling.
As usual, I’m going to be totally in awe of my fellow panelists. It’ll be a fascinating session, and I can’t wait to hear what they have to say about their books. Please come and sit in the audience and send me supportive looks so I feel slightly more comfortable about the whole public speaking thing.